19 December 2007

Ohgie Mcgee living with the holidays down under

My trainers keep pushing me to bring up a few deficiencies I have. At times I wish they would get off my back! I know they get paid to make me better and that the hoops they are having me jump through will eventually help me somehow, but at some point in all of this training...well I feel I may be loosing some of my edge.

Recently, the trainers have been pushing speed drills on me. Not only are these exhausting drills, it is almost impossible to see any slight improvements. It has to be working, because I have had some fans come up lately and ask me why I seem to be moving so much quicker on the court. Again, I know it will help in the long run, but I don't like it much lately.

It is the holiday season even here down under, but all my family is back in the states. I had thought that I might be able to make some close friends, but I really have not yet. Maybe my usually happy, outgoing mood has been much more subdued lately and that is pushing people around me away? That is probably part of it. Another part of it may be that I don't spend as much time checking out the local culture. It seems I am so beat after practice, games, training that I just sit in front of the tube and veg. Back in the states the days are shorter this time of year, but here in Austrialia they are having their summer. To celebrate the holidays now is like .. well ... celebrating the 4th of July in January. It seems almost fake like the little tree I have put up.

Well, our team keeps winning and at least my focus on games has not wavered much. I have not been happy with some of my recent games, but the coach just sent us all a memo for the holidays thanking us for making him look good, so I guess my game is not slipping as much as I thought it might. We have a week before we get a day off, I am looking forward to that day off almost like kids look forward to the weeks off they get back home.

At any rate, I hope all who read this have a happy holiday season!

Why not stop by http://www.talkdep.com to find out how players around the world are enjoying the holidays?

15 December 2007

Ohgie Mcgee introduces a team mate

I have to introduce you to the most productive player in Austrialia Division 3. His name is Pistachio Arilla and he leads the league in many different categories. In the record books he is listed as playing SG, but anyone that has seen his play state that his play can be found at every position but C. He can score from anywhere on the court, he is blazing fast, and boy does he like to shoot! His confidence in shooting is remarkable in that he can throw up 3 bricks and then hit 5 shots in a row. It is almost like he has no consciousness.
It may sound like he is a ball hog, but he leads the team in Assists as well! It helps that we have many talented players on our team so anyone he passes off to has a great chance to score. Funny how that works. If you pass to good players it seems like your assists go up. What a concept.
Finally, Pistachio has had games in which he has dominated on the boards. If the SG on the other team takes many shots, Pistachio shows tremendous ability in boxing out to get rebounds, even after trying for a blocked shot! If his guy is not shooting, well you can not only guarantee that his guy is not getting the rebound, but often he is able to box out someone else or sneak in to steal a rebound from some very shocked players.
I am inspired by Pistachio's play very much like I am inspired reading the quotes and materials at http://focusdep.com Come on over and read some some great inspirational pieces.

09 December 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports from down under

I knew that coming into the division 3 in Austrialia was going to be quite the easy stint and so far it has proven to be so. We just played the 5th place division one team and only lost by 30+ points so that is not too shabby at all for a division 3 team.

I did notice something different with my player me this game. I saw that my fatigue was dropping before this game. At first I thought about dropping my intesity abit, but after looking at the fact that we were playing such a good teem I kept my intensity high. Instead I changed my play style from my normal offensive self to more of a special team player. I did take a few less shots, but everything else seemed to be the same relatively. I did have 7 asst and some rebounds but those numbers were right around normal. Maybe the assits might have been 1 or 2 above my average for this year, but that seems to be it. I did notice that I got both of teir PG to foul out, which gets me thinking that maybe we might have done better if I stuck with my normally agressive offensive style. Meanwhile my fatigue shot right back and I felt great this morning getting up.

Today we will continue to crank through division 3. It is nice to win, but without a challenge every day ... well it is just a battle of stats really. I will have to highlight one of our players next time I log an entry here. He is awesome!

Why don't you head over to http://www.cyberdunk.com
and check out who I may be reporting on later on. Hint: he dominates the division 3 world in Austrialia.

26 November 2007

Ohgie Mcgee moves down under

This is so cool! My contract just recently expired with the Boston Blaze in the USA Golden League. As my contract was running down, my agent was calling me every day, two to three times a day, to let me know that teams from all over the world were interested in me. There were over 20 serious offers and I am humbled by that much interest. That was my initial reaction, but soon afterward I became overwhelmed with the amount of research that was needed. I have spent many hours over the last 5 days talking with managers, visiting remote team sites and generally deciding where the next part of my pro career goes.

In the end I found a team that is the process of starting off in the lower leagues building up a team effort to take over the highest leagues by doing many of the ideas I have always believed in. Time will tell if things work out as well as I hope, but right now things look very nice!

I signed on with Sale Flyers in Australia. They are only in the 3rd division (at the top), but my idea is that we can solidly get out team set up this year to be able to cruise through the 2nd division next year and hopefully jump into the 1st division soon afterwards. I still have so many players to meet, so many moving arrangements to plan, and of course I have to get over there and get back into game shape! I have been spending so much of my training time looking over contracts and other junk that really does not help my playing. Now it is time to pay the price and get back to work. Stay tuned to find out how this new move works out...

Why don't you stop over to http:/www.cyberdunk.com to join in the fun? You never know where you might end up playing!

08 November 2007

Ohgie Mcgee shares an upset special

Day 59 Season 3
Boston Eagles (100) vs Boston Blaze (122)
It was a battle of Boston with the number 8 Eagles taking on the number 11 Blaze. The Eagles came into the game as heavy favorites, but the mismatches in the game spelled their defeat.
The number one mismatch? Well it was at PG of course.

They only had a rookie, Chris Krochak, to throw into the position and he went 1/8 in 3 quarters. It is interesting to note that I actually kicked in 11 Asst tonight. I have been dishing the ball like crazy to people all Actually, GHS Pepsiman at C really dominated over their center, Miki Mouse. Miki shot a whopping 1/7 while GHS shot 17/20. The big guy really kicked some butt tonight.

There was much celebration in our locker room, but something very interesting happened on my way out of the locker room. As I was leaving there were two large, body guard types asking me to follow them. No one was around and I was very nervous. They brought me to this black limo and "asked" me to get in. Inside I was introduced to a really slick looking gentleman. This guy started grilling me about how things were with the blaze and how I felt and all that stuff. I was getting frustrated with this. Who was this guy and why was he doing this to me. Turns out that he represents another Boston team that is interested in my services and he was hired to see what my interest level was at. I politely let him know that I entertain all offers, but that my manager is currently not available to deal with contract issues. I invited him to try to contact him to talk, but I am very pesimestic that he will get through. I figure if the manager can't get to his team, what are the odds of getting to some solicitor. I am the only PG on the Blaze so that would be difficult for my manager to let me go right now. Strange happenings. It does bring me around to thinking about the end of the season. My contract is up in game 7 of the next season and it seems far away but before you know it I will have to be facing yet another free agency season. I suppose that could be a good thing depending on who I end up with.

Anyway a good win tonight that was really worth talking about. Head over to http://www.talkdep.com to see what other games people are talking about.

06 November 2007

Ohgie Mcgee shares his views in a crushing defeat

I knew that Milpitas Ducks was a good team but I also thought that we were a decent team. Looking at the stat sheet tonight, well ... at least I can say that the Ducks kicked out butts big time!

The final score looked crazy (140 vs 48) but even crazier is the number of shots we actually took. We took a total of 80 shots and made only 18 of them (if you count 3pointers we were 0/5) That comes out to a 22.5% shooting average. Come on! I can blindfold the average pro player and they can shoot at that rate. I am not sure if it was the competition or if maybe our players had the flue or what but we were horrible tonight. Can you believe the other team took only 69 shots from the field (82 if you count 3s). If we were even close to out normal 50% we would have crushed them.

I shot a respectable 9/14 (64.3%) but the next closest % was Nestor at 25%. Do the math... that is a difference of almost 40% difference. I just can't believe it. I know I have tanked some games but to see so much of the team tank all in the same game is ... well... depressing.

Our coach is still struggling with "real life" issues so we are basically running under the guidance of the assistant coaches. I feel like I am on a ship without a rudder. Hopefully, the players we have can rally around each other somehow to pull outselves up a bit. We are currently in the middle of our league which is not too bad considering how bad we have been blown out at times. It can only get better.

How is your game going? What? You don't play yet? Well just head over to http://www.cyberdunk.com and get yourself a player. It's free and a load of fun!

03 November 2007

Ohgie Mcgee gets tired on the court

I just don't know what is going on with me lately. Maybe it is a flue or something, but I just can't seem to get rested. I feel like I am dragging all the time lately. It is showing up most in my shooting percentage. Our last game vs the Memphis Indians was a great game and was relatively a close contest (9pt game). Unfortunately I shot under 50% which I normally don't do. I think I have to back off a bit and let my body heal. There is rumor that we may have a possible match today, I am hoping we don't as I will get a chance to sit and veg for a day. Actually, I can't do that because my trainer keeps busting my butt every day. Come to think of it, maybe my lack of power and energy is related to the incredibly hard work he has been pushing me in. He claims that he is helping my stamina, I think he is trying to kill me : )

Our team manager still has not really been around much. He stops by to give the assisstant coaches some info and then takes off. Hard for the troups to get inspired if the leader can't be around to mingle and talk with the players. You can tell in the locker room. Usually there is some joking around and stuff especially between Nestor and I but now .. everyone keeps their heads down and it is all ... well ... like work. I miss the playful team interaction I have seen on some of the other teams. Funny how you don't value something until you loose it.

I am off for some much needed rest before I have to go work with that slave monger claiming to help my body become inspired. I find it easier to head over to http://www.focusdep.com myself to read about inspired quotes from others rather than busting my ass in sprints ... how about you?

31 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on troubling times for Blaze

It is funny how leadership can make or break a group. Our manager is dealing with some difficult stuff and his struggles have directly parlayed into killing the moral of the team. Many players have been asking to be cut loose or traded to other teams. The few of us that have stuck around are still doing our best every night but there just does not seem to be any TEAM. No strategy, no incredible efforts, no drive. It is as if everyone was just showing up to work. Work, hmm that seems to accurately sum up how I approach each game right now. It's a job. I love the game but right now the lack of consistency, communication and camaraderie in our team is really just making this a source of income.

I did get contacted by a team from another country today asking if I was available. My contract is up next season (7th game). Since this is the 52th game in the season, there is only about one more month left on my contract. Maybe the manager of the other team can get through to my current manager. Problem is, even if he does get through to my manager, does my manager want me to leave. Right now I am just in survival mode though. I prepare every day for doing my best in each game. It has affected my play though, but I will get into that tomorrow as I have an important meeting with my conditioning coach that I am late for.

While I'm gone... why don' you stop in at http://www.talkdep.com and find out what's happening in the cyberdunk world. It seems like new additions and rich discussion abound every week. Join the talk.

15 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reporst from the Hristo's Trophy Round

Day 35 Season 3

Man that was a close game! Boston Blaze lost the game by only 2 points, but if you look at the game closely this should have been a win for the Blaze.

To start with the Blaze were a higher rated team coming into the match. Some scouts would only point to the PF position as a point of concern for the Blaze coaching staff. Unfortunately, it seems that the staff might not have received the memo. Fujinj Lee had a great game and a few others had ok games. So what happened to the Blaze?

From being on the floor, I would say that the teamwork was just not there tonight. Our C and PF positions both shot for <40% and that is deplorable for our team that usually has shooters up in the 60% range. The low shooting would be bad enough, but those two positions took almost 1/3 the shots. Ironically, only our PF and C had decent FT. Our FT average was an embarrassing 50 something percent. Sigh, that is horrible and personally I am upset with my performance at the line. I missed 6 shots from FT land! Shooting only 33% from the FT field like I did is totally unacceptable. I will be talking severely to my shooting coaches in effort to get this fixed up as soon as possible. I talked to one coach that told me I needed to practice my 3pt shot more. I started a few days ago but I don't see how that will increase my FT %. Oh well that is what they get paid for, so I guess I better get back to practice.

How's your game going? You don't have game yet? What are you waiting for? Go to http://www.cyberdunk.com and get your game on!

09 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on a close game...finally

You know what? Loosing stinks, but in my book blowouts stink more! In our game vs the Oakland Vipers on day 30, the fans were treated to one hell of a game. Sure our team came up short by 4 points, but at least there was competition and the game was close...at least at half time. So what happened?

Quarter 1: My man Nestor is a beast, when he chooses to be. The guy took only one shot while dishing out 3 assists. He is such a scoring machine there is no way our team can get buy with him only taking 1 shot a quarter! In contrast, Caan loves to chuck up the rock and his game seems to sink or swim and tonight was not a great night for him shooting. Of course I think the end tally will show I stunk it up as well. In this first quarter I was 0/2 with a couple of made FT. I did have a steal and some assists, but it was too little. Martin was 2/3 which is very nice, but he was not able to add in much of the other stats that our team is used to him filling in for us. He did get a block which we love to see. Marty started out at C with a very respectable performance.

Quarter 2: OUR QUARTER!!!! Finally we get Nester shooting a bit and get Caan to slow down in shooting. Nester and I shot 80% putting in 10 and 8 points respectively while Martin was a perfect 2/2 (again with no other stats in a line that is usually his hallmark?) Martin, again chipped in what we have come to expect from him and Ghs came in to share the load. Ghs did not score, but did fill in a nice stat line for his playing time.

Quarter 3: Nestor checked out? Where did he go? The man only threw it up once in the 3rd? Of course we only got 12 shots in the 3rd and that is a HUGE problem! It is not even worth going player by player in this quarter as we really stunk it up and did not produce much of a defensive effort or an offensive presence.

Quarter 4: Nestor comes back, but Martin and I seem to go to WalMart to get a burger and fries or something. Martin had the excuse that he was not playing (not sure what was up there), but in my 12 min I did not take a single shot. Nestor took 6 and the new guy in Alex Kiu took 5 shots (making only 2 of them?) After those two .. well we really didn't get many opportunities. It is worth noting that Caan benefited from taking a break last quarter in shooting as he hit both his shots this quarter.

We really only won in the second quarter, but the team and the fans at least felt we were in the game . Even if we were to loose every game this season and the final score was within a couple of shots, I would be happy as the competition would be outstanding.

Good Job tonight Oakland and thank you for a great game!

It's time for us to focus. We need some inspiration and for that we turn to http://www.focusdep.com There are great quotes there that help inspire ... what inspires you?

05 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on the Blaze international play

Another International game, another blow out. I am not sure which agency is setting up these International games or what criteria they are using, but there definitely does not seem to be much competition in these international games. Either we kill someone or they kill us. We were on the winning side vb Poirua Impalers by a 122 to 67 margin.

Martin had a monster game and made MOM! Actually everyone shot better than 50% and chipped in nicely in other stats. Nestor had a tipple double which is always nice to see!

I notice that coach has been playing with the center position a bit lately. Marty has been a good center for us but he can not seem to dominate on the boards like our shooting team needs. Ghs has been splitting time with Marty and although his rebounding is marginally better, we have not seen too much of an improvement in the rebound department yet.

There was talk of our players getting shipped over seas to play in some other leagues, but I have not heard anything in awhile so I'm not sure if that was just a rumor or what.

How about you? Are you playing for your country? What? You're not playing? Well come on over to http://www.cyberdunk.com and get yourself a character. Its free, fun and only takes a few minutes each day to do!

02 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee mulls over Sink or Swim in the league

Oh I am getting so frustrated with the different levels of talent in this Golden Division in the USA. Our team is in the middle of the pack and that is alright. Sure I want to be number one but it is much sweeter to get there over time working hard to get there. The problem is that the top teams are over a year and a half over each of our players and the bottom teams are almost a year behind all of our players. What the hell are players with so many levels of talent doing in the same division? I feel our players may be better suited to the silver league thinking about how we compare to the top teams. The top teams have players that plug in all the money and have huge players that are all superstars compared to players on teams ranked 10th or more in our division. The coach has talked about moving the team to another country but not sure it is much better there either. In Lithuania and in Israel the games were still lopsided quite a bit. Right now we will have a game where we loose by almost 100 points then we will kill a team by 100. Tonight's game was one of the closest ones I remember and we won by 21. In my experience that would be called a blow out but in this league ... that was a close shave. I just don't know.

I have to go listen in to the conversations about the league variation at http://www.talkdep.com Why don't you come on over and check out the chatter?

18 September 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reflects on his first game with the Blaze

It was strange that I did not play during the first game the Blaze played after I joined the club. We still have many players so I think I just got lost in the shuffle of all the bodies that are running around in this club. Well I did get to play this last game vs the Jackson Hounds Stats and we got our butts kicked. They have this PG, Chris Manners, that is a tree! This guy was huge! He only played 1 quarter and I think we have to be happy with that because we would have lost by much more had he played the whole game. As is I did not do my job against the other PG. He was able to get 24 points and that was my fault. They had a SF and C that schooled us. After looking over our stats from the game, it appears that Marty (our center) did not show up at all tonight either on offense or defense. We were out skilled tonight and loosing by over 20 points is never fun

Our next game does not get any easier. We play the Riverside Express. This is a rounded team that appears to have things going very well for themselves. Personally, I have been checking out their PG. Tsering will probably start the game and he has some good overall skills. Matt Luong is scary as that boy can shoot the lights out. He has a phenomenal shot and I am not sure which of them I look forward to playing. Either way I think I will be having a rough game and will be working my buttocks off.

I will have to head over to htt://www.talkdep.com to see if I can pick up some edge in trying to take down yet another team that is better than us.

17 September 2007

Ohgie Mcgee signs with Boston Blaze

I am getting so sick of moving! I decided to move back to the states in the hope that the team I joined will not go belly up any time really soon. It seems that every team I joined would win like crazy as soon as I got on the team and then for various reasons the team explodes or the manager quits or some other craziness. This time I moved for reasons other than money, I hope I don't regret it.

I was in contact with three very nice organizations. With each organization, I made deals that significantly restructured my contract so the team would have money to bring in other players. One of the managers really sold me on his team but he was out of town for a number of days. Not hearing any response from him and having to endure another crappy game with the remains of the team I was on, well I had to move on. I feel bad that I did not wait one day longer as I got an email from that nice coach today. Oh well I am sure other opportunities will show up in the future, I just hope they don't show up right away!

So I am headed to Bean town to play with one of the many Boston professional teams in the Golden League. There are not many more competitive leagues in the world, so my talents will be challenged in many more games. I do worry that the US league, like the Lithuanian League, has all of the big talent in the top 3-5 teams and the rest of the league is diluted and is just a punching bag. I don't like being a punching bag, I have the tenancy to punch back : )

So, tonight is my first game back in the states. I am a bit nervous and definitely suffering from jet lag quite a bit.

Come on over and visit www.cyberdunk.com and find out what team you will end up playing for. Hopefully you won't be changing uniforms as much as I have!

07 September 2007

Ohgie Mcgee hits the open market...again

Just when I finished unpacking my last moving box into my rented appartment here in Poland, I get the news from my agent that I am on the open market being shopped around like some dead cow or something.

Evidently I have some high profile teams in US, Israel , Japan, and Germany looking to sign me up. Oh look, a new offer just came in. I can't believe the money people are throwing at me. It is flattering especially when you think of how people have to absorb my 2mil price tag that my previous owner so nicely tagged me with before he quit the team. I think there should be a law against being able to adjust the tag without the player's consent. I will have to write to the league commissioners and file a formal protest. I hate the idea of killing a new team financially just because they wanted to have me play with them. So that creates a delimia. What is most important?

Money is nice and some teams are throwing tons of that my way.
Teamwork and friendships - how much do the players talk and coordinate between games?
Competition level - Some of the leagues are extreemly competative while others are begging for some good tallent to come in and light up their league

My agent wants me to go for the money, not very supprising as he gets a piece of what I earn. I want to go somewhere where I can really help a team and not just be another good player off the bench. I am also interested in adding some spice to a weaker league. In many of the big leagues, players take all sorts of artifical drugs (CDP is the most widely used) and I don't really feel like subjecting myself to the number of drugs necessary to keep up with those power hungry jocks. Sure I take some stuff to help me stay health, limber and active in my practices and games, but it is all in moderation. Hard work and determination goes a long way into enjoying the trip. So joining a league that is not all "pumped up" is very attractive to me. I have worked out a system to help me decide. When my Friday deadline passes (1pm est (gmt-5)) I will take the offers I have and rate each one base on 3 criteria. Money, Teamwork, Competition. Obviously, coaches are going to have to share with me what they have in existence to help promote teamwork so that may not factor in to the equation as much as the other two factors. Right now I favor Competition level the most. I want a league that needs a good PG. I want to help bring in good tallent and attract others to a league that is not doing well. Ohgie Mcgee could bring real professional basketball to a developing league and create some excitement! Naturally, those teams will not be able to offer as much money especially considering they have to buy me out. Money is nice too and is necessary for training. So I am sure I will be busy dealing with offers all morning.

Regardless of which team I pick, I thank all of the coaches that have taken the risk in offering to buy me out of my contract. It is a great honor to be valued so much by so many teams! Thank You!

When I feel the need for motivation, I head over to www.focusdep.com to read incredible quotes that inspire people. Need to be inspired? Check it out.

05 September 2007

Ohgie Mcgee ends season on moderate note

Sigh, another season done. We played against the best of our division (Black Suns) and had a relatively close game until the fourth quarter where they were able to really turn it up. You alwasy hate to loose but loosing the last game of the season is particularly sucky as you have to sit with that until you get to play another game the next season.

This season has been a strange one for me. I started out in Lithuania and that was cool. I think we were stagnating with our team. When a new owner came in, well ... I paniced and took the best offer out there. Turns out in conversations that the new owner would have liked to have met offers to retain me. My new team seemed ripe to advance at the end of the year. We have 4 very good players, but I still content that our lack of play at center is our downfall. Take the last game of the season as an example: 44 min, 4 pts (20%), 4 reb, 1 blk, 1 ast. That's our starter folks! Can you immagine? I can not figure out why the heck this guy is still with the team and why the coach has not brought in another C to start playing around with possibilities. Maybe he knows someone that knows someone else that I don't know. In short, maybe it is just not my business.

When I joined this team I was hopeful that we would be advancing into the next division, now it looks like we may not. I guess the good news is that we should sweep everyone in the division next year, but we will have to wait and see.

Why don't you join the game? I would vote for you starting a C as we sure as heck don't have one . You can check out the game and register for it at www.cyberdunk.com Check it out!

02 September 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on his illness

I am not sure what hit me but man, I have been so weak and tired lately! Something like 6 days ago I came down with the worst cold I have had in my life. I have gone to all sorts of doctors and specialists, but none of them have been able to help me get any energy back. I guess it is true what they say tho, time heals all wounds as I appear to be returning to my normal self. I still have a few days to go to get back to 100% of my self, but at least I am back up near 90%.

My coach has been patient with me during this time, but he did pull in another pg this last game. I have been trying to relax a bit more out there on the floor and unfortunately, it has affected the team quite a bit. In our last game, a 117 to 29 blow out, we were so far ahead that I barely tried running back and forth in the transition game. I really did not play well and I am glad my team mates have not caught this illness yet.

When things go wrong in our league, I have to turn somewhere to ask some questions. You bet that during this slump I turned to http://www.talkdep.com to get some suggestions about what to do during this very tiring time. Why don't you check out the conversations there and get ready to learn how to play?

24 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on a critical win and also points out a critical flaw in the lineup

One of the things I have never been very good with are names. My excitement about last night's game being such a pivotal game was unfounded. It turns out that our league has two Blue Jay teams, one of them in 4th place and the other in 8th place. We ended up with the 8th place team last night so our victory, although very thorough, was not as critical as I had hoped for.

We had awesome production from 4 positions on the floor but our production from C has me concerned when we start playing against the really good teams. Having someone on the floor at any position for 35+ min and turning out a stat line that looks like 5 minutes is not a good thing. I am hopeful that our C can get into some serious training very quickly, or that our coach has enough resources to start looking for some more talent at that position.

For my own part I have to be happy. Scoring 31 points on 81% shooting and still chipping in 10 assists and 7 rebounds is a very nice night. Jake and Riivo both had excellent nights, and Dante ended up with a nice night as well. Together the 4 of us scored 100 points on 75% shooting. Very nice indeed! Meanwhile, our C had a very tough night shooting 2/8, 1 blk, 2 ast, 1 reb in 37 min. That is horrible and I hope he can pick up his game soon.

I think I will head over to www.focusdep.com to collect some motivational quotes to share with our C. He definitely needs some form of motivation and I know that hearing from professionals that have "been there, done that" has helped me get to where I am toady.

22 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee is looking forward to one of the biggest games in Poland Division1

This is it, this is where it all starts to sort it's self out! Our next game is against the Bydgoszcz Blue Jays. The Jays are tied with the Warsaw Indians, Wroclaw Supreme, and Black Suns teams for first place. All 4 teams have a nice 32-4 record. Tonight one of those teams will be 32-5 and the other 33-4. It's all good, because the coach has been trimming our ranks and getting us to focus more on one direction. That focus is helping us out big time.

He he he, a reporter slipped me this image from the starting PG of the Blue Jays when he heard that he would have to cover me this next game. What a priceless expression...

In our last game we had 4 players with 20+ points, 5 players shot over 50%, 3 players with 10+ assists, and 3 players with 10+ rebounds. We really are starting to work together more. I have to give it up to my man Dante Vlasie tonight as I feel I stole the MOM from him. Dante had a great game and you could tell that he and I were on the same page all night with the way we were setting each other up all night. Jake Cimbalnik also had a great game. Riivo, well he's Riivo and has a great game most every game : )

Our roster is shrinking and in my mind that is a good thing. We have players that can handle the 48 minutes and we have some very good players at that. We will have to see how much the roster changes after the big game tonight. I suspect we could see big changes win or loose. I plan on making that a win, so at least I have a smile on my face at the end of the night.

With such a big game on tap, maybe I need to head over to www.talkdep.com to stir up some interest from the other players out there to check out this game and it's implications in our league. All kinds of crazy players hang out at talkdep, why don't you come over and meet some of them?

21 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee's comming out party with the Warsaw Indians. His first career tripple double!

Oh yea it feels great! The coach is starting to see some of my value on the court as me and the boys get used to each other. There are some good players on this team that really were "in charge" before I got here, so it has been difficult for me to help show them that I can really help take charge in a positive way. Well this game helped to support that point of view. The team we were playing against scored 49 points and I scored 41 (15/21 including 5/5 3pt). If it were just about scoring, I would hardly be a good point guard so lets look at the other stats as well. I was able to rack up 5 steals, 12 assists, and 12 rebounds. I was able to share the floor with out other stars as Riivo, Jake, and Dante all scored in the 20+ range. Of course with a final score of 143 to 49 this was not the NBA All-Star team we were playing against. Still a romp on the court is still fun at times. I just hope that this teamwork continues to grow and our young talent keeps growing together.

Right now there is a 4-way tie in Division 1 Poland and assuming everyone keeps winning, the crown will go to the team that has the biggest point differential. This blow out win is therefore necessary to help us move up the chart. Right now we are sitting in 2nd place. Our next team is a quality team that lacks a good coach. Their lack of coaching is probably the only reason they are not in the hunt for the final spots. They have a stable of PG with Kubba Stach proving himself to be a respectable Starter. I am anxious to see how I perform against him. He is taller than me (who isn't) so I am hopeful that my speed and jumping can help me get buy him easily. If I am smart about how I approach the game, I should do very well.

How would you do? Log on to www.cyberdunk.com to make a free character and try it out to see how you stack up.

18 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee starting to work his way into his new team's system

Well the coach is trying to be fair it seems. He gave the other PG and I equal time this game and that is to be commended. Of course, depending on how he views that time, I am hoping to get more next gam: ) That's what keeps us great players going ... the drive for more. I played all of the 2nd quarter and 4th quarter. Not very suprisingly, we scored more in both of those quarters and the other team scored less in those two quarters than in quarter 1, 3. By the fourth quarter our D was so tight that they only scored 4 whooping points! Meanwhile that hoop seemed ten times as large tonight as I did not miss a single shot (6/6). I felt like it was a practice out there.

Now for the required PG comparisons:
Me 12min, 12pts (6/6), 1STL, 6AST, 5 REB
Other PG, 12 min, 10pts(4/6 with 2/2 FT), 1STL, 1BLK, 4AST,3REB

Granted he played a much better game than last game was, but still ...if you give me two more quarters we are talking a tripple double in pts, ast, reb.

Of course winning the game is the most important concern, but in this game the score was so lopsided I don't even thing the score keeper was paying much attention. We actually came close to trippling the score. Ahhh, If I had been able to play 4 quarters ... oh the high light reel would be cranking. It's all good vs a weaker team but we have to see how well we can play against the guys that are currently #1,2 in our division. If we beat up on them like this ... oh baby it's gonna be fun playing in Poland.

Why don't you start up a character and see where you play and how you fit into a team? Just go to www.cyberdunk.com. It's free and does not take much time at all!

16 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports some good news and bad news after a very interesting day!

Whew .. my head is swimming. Just yesterday I was playing and Lithuania and now tonight I find myself on a Polish Division 1 team. Of course this team looks like it may be advancing into the next league next year as long as it continues to advance. But anyway, how did I end up here?

My agent comes up to me this morning and asks me how I would like a raise. Hell ya I tell him how much. He tells me of a sweet deal bringin in 8k per game and tons of other insentives. My jaw hits the floor and it takes me some time to recover, but after hearing the particulars I am pumped. So he leaves to go seal the deal. I have been on the phone with my new coach and he and I are really grooving. He is offering me all sorts of things an alstar in his country could hope for. Of course, nothing perfect can ever truely exist and my agent calls me back in half hour and says, "Got some good news and bad news kid! Bad news is that the deal fell through. It seems that your current team lost it's owner, a ton of offers came in for you, then as we were closing this really sweet deal you got a new owner that said no to the deal. That left you with two choices. Stick around for 2 years on a very low salary for your skills and services, or jump to the best offer from those that were offered before your new owner took charge. I vote for plan B... you?" I had to take it. So I was off to Poland to play for the Warsaw Indians.

The Indians are currently in 3rd in their division and have some tallented players that could really help us improve. My problem is that as the new guy in I have to fight for my playing time. This last game I only got 12 min in and after playing the full 48 for most of the season .. this was a bummer. I can just hope that the coaches see my production in that time compaired to the competition and decide that I am enough to carry this team at the point. Here is a little comparison for my first day playing:
In one quarter I got 7pts on 3/4 shooting, 1/1 from FT, 2 STL, 1BLK, 3AST, 4 REB
My competition got 11pts on 3/14 shooting, 4/8 FT, 1STL, 0 BLK, 1 AST, 9 REB in 36 MIN!!!!
If the min and production were the same I would have scored 21pts, 6 stl, 3 blk, 9 ast and 12 reb in only 3 quarters of play. OOOO I can't wait to play a full game in this league and really show my game. It will come ... I have to give it time and get to know everyone. I already felt the chemistry cooking with our big boy at PF Riivo V?hk. I was able to dish the ball twice to him to set him up for some sweet action. Interesting that the play by play report has be with 4 asst and the game stats only report 3asst. I will have to write to league manager about that discrepency.

In the meantime I am hard at work trying to get my way into a full time starting position again. I hope the coaches can read this or at least look over the stat lines from the game to see that our first quarter with me in there we were the most dominate on offense and defence http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=match&id=218459&q=0&s=stats

When feeling a but stressed out I have to have some inspirational quotes and stuff to concentrate on. I find all that material at www.focusdep.com. See if you can be inspired by checking it out.

Ohgie Mcgee getting distracted by offers.

It's nice to know that people want you and that's all good, but I don't think getting an email every day saying these teams are now interested in offering you a contract is helpful to me at all. Just today I got 2 offers from teams. One was a decent offer of 1K per game the other was junk offering me a whooping 1$ more per game than I make now....cute. Looking over these contracts I see some 1k, 2k, 3k, and even a 5k per game salary. Man that would be nice to make. Of course my coach has rejected all trade offers so far. It is frustrating that I see all the interest, but get to hear none of the negotiations between the other teams and my current club. I wonder if there are even any discussions. What would it take to interest my coach? I do lead this team in a few different ways.

I wonder if all of these contract offers has the coach searching for a replacement? Looking at our team homepage http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=team&id=290 I see that we lost our PF position completely, we lost a SF, and for some reason have 3 other PG. I noticed last game that I did not play the full game for the first time in some time. Is he starting to check out possible replacements? It would appear so and I have to say that at least in the last game all of these distractions are getting to me a bit on the court. I had a very poor game but nothing as bad as the guy coach put in for me. http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=lastmatch Check out how poorly Mr. Emil did, he must have been nervous or something.

I guess with our team sitting at the halfway point in our league (placed 12th) it is natural for a coach to play around with things a bit. There are obvious areas we can improve on an may be he thinks messing around with the PG possition will help. I may be bias, but I think it stinks especially with so many teams showing an interest in me lately. My current contract runs for another 2 years, so I am unsure if my coach would consider catching my salary up to my current play level as I have obviously outperformed my contract this year! I tried sending him a message the other day but for some reason was not able to send to his address. I guess I have no way to get ahold of such a busy guy. So I will post my thoughts here and hope that he is one of the few people that actually reads this stuff : )

Speaking of posting, have you checked out all the posting going on at www.talkdep.com? All sorts of Cyberdunk talk as well as some interesting side conversations going on all the time. Check it out!

12 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee starts pulling in some creds as the season starts to come closer to a close

To start with, we won yet another game pushing us up to 12th (exactly in the middle) of our league... not bad.

Then I get news from some news geek that my published journal got selected in a recent www.cyberdunk.com contest. I had to see the results my self to comfirm (http://www.talkdep.com/showthread.php?t=11263) I am shocked and pleased to be selected.

This last game that we won evidently capped the end of a competition in which I recorded the most steals. This netted me a nifty $ bonus which I am sure my trainers will appreciate more than I will. Every bit helps me get better I am sure.

Finally, the stats from the last game are more in line with where I want every game to be. I scored a whopping 39 pts shooting a nifty 15/18 from 2pt range. I grabbed a couple of steals and a season high of 15 assists! Dam I love dishing out that rock for some easy baskets.

It was a good day for me, I just hope the success continues! Check out www.talkdep.com to hear all the buzz about the league and things happening.

11 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee still climbing the charts ... slowly, is it too little too late?

Another day, another game, another blow out. It seems we can not play a game that is close either way. We are either playing against a bunch of high schoolers or we are acting like high school players. There does not seem to be a middle ground. I think that goes to show that the league needs some way to help promote a more even distribution of tallent. Maybe a draft or something that allows the bottom teams to get first pick of the up and comming players? Maybe there should be some arrangement for those bottom teams to help them become competative. Meanwhile make it hard for those on top to stay on top. Every professionally league that has ignored the tallent levels of the top and bottom has tanked. Right now USA and Lithuania have great teams at the top, but how much crap is there in the rest of both of those leagues? I suspect that all of the best players are on on the same teams leaving a ton of mediorce teams behind. Oh well, some day I will be on top.

Speaking of being on top. Here is an update on my stat placement. Pts 5th (-102), Asst 4th (-39), Stl 3rd (-21). If you check back on my blog a few days ago you can see that I slipped by almost 40 points, 12 assst and maintained at stl. That is not good! Well, I just finished up my training so I hope that shows up in my game soon. Maybe there is enough time to catch at least one #1 position. Hmmm an injury to one of the #1 players would be most unfortunate (insert evil laughter here). I'm sorry that was an evil thought, evil, but fun : )

Why don't you join in the fun at www.cyberdunk.com? Come on in, get a character going, and have a blast!

08 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee trying to get used to that loosing feeling...again

Last year I got started in this league by getting a chance to play for the Bats in the USA. We sucked and never had any consistancy. Then I got this chance in Lithuania and things seemed to be looking up for some time. The team had been winning more than it had been loosing, but it appears we are not in a loosing season for good. We have lost three games in a row and 2 of those three have been blow-outs! Loosing stinks!

I did get yet another double double during the last game and I guess I have to judge this season a success individually. I got a very nice offer from a team that was willing to pay out 3k per game for me to play for them. Unfortunately there is very little incentive to my current team to let me go to a contract like that. My current team has me for another 2 years and if things progress like they did this year, we should be at the bottom of our division :( Hopefully our GM can make a few moves this offseason and help us out with a little more tallent on the team or something. I don't know, my job is to get the little ball into the little hoop as often as I can. I do my part so far.

With a most of the season behind us and a few weeks left, my personal race to be #1 in one of the stat categories is progressing, but I am not sure if I have time to catch the leaders. In points I am 5th only 68 points behind the leader. In asst. I am 4th with 27 behind. In steals I am 3rd with 21 behind. I see myself with a shot at at least one of these as long as I can perform consistantly.

So many questoins remain about the future of this team. When I have questions about cyberdunk, I head over to http://www.talkdep.com/ and post the questions there. That forum is full of people that have answers and some of those answers can even be helpful : ) Check them out!

04 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee's team gets pounded hard, but he keeps moving up the stat charts

Wow did we get cleaned out in our last game? Ignalinos Atominiai Berniukai looked like a pro team and we acted like a bunch of high school bench warmers. The score was an amazing 138 to 59 which adds on to my theory that we can not finish a game close at all. We either blow someone out or get our butts handed to us on a silver platter.

Personally, I had a decent game, but my shooting was a bit off from where I would like to see it (I was still > 50%). My man, Arturas Ragauskas had a very good game shooting a perfect 10/10 in 2pt range and chipping in 9 asst. Very nice to see. Besides that, well... we sucked.

Meanwhile, after a week of heavy playing, my personal league stats have started climbing up the charts a bit. I am now positioned in the 6th spot in points, and 4th in both assists and steals. Every game I seem to be gaining a bit and I hope that continues. A reporter published an interesting fact about me in the local paper. If you assign 8 points for 1st, 7pts for 2nd all the way down to 1 pt for 8th place in the 4 stat areas, I would have 13 points. King Goth would have 15, Lukas Barsukaitis 17, Martinas Gecevicius 16. That puts me at an over all 4th place if anyone counted points that way. At any rate, I want my game to improve, but things seem to be slow lately.

When things are going slow for me I need some motivation. I head over to www.focusdep.com to read some inspirational stories that help lift my spirits. Check it out!

31 July 2007

Does Ohgie Mcgee find his "team first" attitude threatened? Maybe so

Oh man at this point in the season I see our team is ranked 12th. There seems to be quite a distance in team tallent between us and the top three teams. Almost like all the tallent is stacked up against the rest of the league. I been noticing that our team either blows people out or we get our butts handed to us by someone. We don't have many close games.

In our last match vs Raseiniu Vandenys, we had a nice game that included me taking a few more shots. I have been holding back on shooting lately and decided to let the rock fly a bit more tonight. Scoring 33 was nice to see and helped me move up the league standings. I think the leauge should reward those that get the most double doubles or triple doubles a the end of the year. I must be up there as I racked in another tripple double. I still think it is wrong that the smallest guy on the team has the second most rebounds. I will have to tease the other players about that. Problem with that is that I don't speak their language. I find that my lack of skills with their language really keeps me on the outside looking in most of the time. I think the only reason the coach keeps me around is the fact that I produce so well on the court.

With our record way at the lower end of where I was hoping we might be this year, I have turned my focus on trying to get one or more of the end of the year awards. Currently I rank 6th in points, 5th in Assists, and 5th in steals. Definately not a shabby performance! Martinas Gecevicius needs to catch a cold or something for me to catch him really quick. He is #1 in Points and Assists and is #4 in steals. Actually he and I are tied for 4th in steals now that I look at it. I need 28 assists to catch him and 68 points. I am a bit upset that it took me so long to decide to start shooting like I know I can. I have one of the best shooting percentages around so for most games I feel like I may be one of our teams best scoring options. Now if I am playing against some big ape that drools all over me ...well I don't mind passing the rock to get those cave men off my back. Seriously, some of these PG out there are just freeks looking at their size.

How about you? You got a big player or some small speedy dude with incredible hands? What's that? You don't have a player? Well come on over to www.cyberdunk.com to get one buddy! Be aware that there are so many people making characters, you may have to stay in the gym building up your character a bit to get on a team, but with some work and some advertisement by you you should get on a team in no time. Good Luck!

27 July 2007

Ohgie McGee knows somethings wrong

I don't get it! I am the shortest guy on the floor, and yet I lead the team in Rebounds again. This has happened to me a few time this year, and it makes me happy and a bit miffed. It sure is nice to be able to help the team out with a whopping 12 REB and it racks up another double double for my career stat book. It is frustrating that all these trees lumbering around the court can't do better on the boards. It is almost like they don't care about that very important part of the game, getting the missed shots. In my mind a rebound is just like a steal. People seem to have no problem whooping it up with how many steals they get, but the lowly rebound seems to get no love from people these days.

O.K. enough philosophical junk, on to some hoops. We easily handled Mazeikiu Nafta 83-65. I had to face off against Saulys Taiklusis and even though the guy is half a foot taller than me, I was easily able to shut him down all night. Because my concentration was so focused on bringing him down defensively, I think my offensive production slipped a bit tonight. I only took 10 shots tonight which was uncharistic of me. I was shooting a nice 50% from the field. I also chipped in 2 steals but only had 4 assists. I don't think the offense was going through me tonight. Arturas and Machito were the ones dishing the rock around today. I wonder if part of that was the perception that I was covered by a bigger guy and couldn't be as effective? I know I could school that boy any day of the week. I would prove to everyone that I got game if I had a stinking day off to compete in the 1-on-1 tourney. Some day. In the meantime I will have to be content with the fact that I am helping my team and the team is winning more than it is loosing.

How do you maintain your focus when things are not ideal? Why not check out www.focusdep.com to read some inspiring works that can get you fired up, feeling better, and achieving your goals?

25 July 2007

Ohgie Mcgee feeling the heat of a heavy summer schedule with no days off

Wow! I'm bushed! I can't believe how tired I have been lately. Our team has been winning in the Focusdep Cup and that is a good thing, but the bad side is that I have not had a day off in some time. I suppose it is bringing in some money. Still, I could use a day off and looking at our schedule, a day off is not going to happen any time soon.

In our last match with Anhui Vikings, I did not play well at all. I couldn't hit a shot from anywhere, not even the charity stripe. I have to admit, that I found Francesc McGrady (http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=player&id=7448) a bit intimidating at 1.89 m to my1.78. He definately has tallent and he was able to keep me off all night long. I was not the only one off it seems. Diablo had a very blah game and Machito Merkader shot a lousy 1/15 (of course I only shot 3/13 so I was just as bad).

I have to admit that I did not give 100% in this last game. I was too tired going in and needed to rest a bit during the game. That rest did me a world of good though as I feel ready to pound on someone else tomorrow : )

Our roster seems to be composed of players that change all the time. One day I see ZZ (Zedas Zedusan) is gone and poof he is back on the roster. We have this new guy Arturas Ragauskas that really scored a ton this last game and played very well. Wonder if he will be sticking around for more than one game?

I have to talk to my trainer, Akihiro Aihara. He is Japanese and has a very heavy accent. I am not sure we have been communicating well with each other. He claims that our training sessions are complete after one day, but as I show up for practice he goes on that "..You come back tomorrow, we finish up!" I have tried to ask why, but I have not received an answer I understand yet. Maybe I should sue him for false advertising. Maybe I just have to find a friend that knows Japanese and can better translate what he means. At any rate my "1 day trainings" have been going on for 2 days lately and that ruins some of my long range goals. At least I am seeing some improvement and at $60 per day I guess I can not complain.

If I have complaints, I head over to www.focusdep.com and hit up the discussion boards or maybe visit the bug (or should I say "special feature") area and see what is shaking in the world of Cyberdunk. Why don't you stop by and listen to the chatter?

23 July 2007

Ohgie Mcgee welcomes new player Igor Bikon

My buddy ZZ (see previous post) was sent packing yesterday and I am sorry to see him go. He and I had a good thing going, but after seeing what his replacement can do, I am keeping my opinions open at this point. This new guy, Igor Bikon, really had a great game and I believe I stole the MOM award from him unjustly. He and I both scored the same amount (he shot better %). He had twice the number of assists but I had 1 block and 19 reb vs his 0 blocks and 10 reb. We both had one steal. This is the one case I would petition the league to have 2 MOM awards. Heck we both had a great game, but I am glad I got the award : )

Want to see that game? We blew out the Visaginas Serpents big time. http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=match&id=203435

My good game is helping me stay on the points and assist list for the league, but now I see my name sneaking up the steals list. I am in a training routine that I hope will help me be more successful in at lesat one of the categories. I have my eye on one of those end of year awards. Some extra $ is always a plus as the season runs down. Speaking of the season, our last two wins have helped us climb up from 14th place to 11th currently.

I have been watching Martinas Gecevicius lately and I have to say I am impressed with his performace. I think he is my target to beat this year for all around MVP, but the season still has many games to play out so we will have to see how things go.

Are you looking for some inspiration? Why don't you check out www.focusdep.com? All sorts of stories to help motivate even the most depressed.

Ohgie Mcgee gets his first tripple double

It took me almost a season and a half, but I have my first tripple double. Not only that I did it in style! From inside the 3pt line I shot a perfect 12/12 (missed one 3pter in the game)! I added in 10 asst, and 10 reb for a sweet game for sure. Add in the 5 steals and 2 blocks (leading the team in both categories) and I was very proud of that game. My good buddy, Zedas Zedusan had a great game as well bringing in his own version of a tripple double. He shot 11/20 which is respectable considering that he was 50% from 3pt range. The game can be found here http://www.cyberdunk.com/team.php?m=match&id=237623

The first quarter of our Focusdep Cup game started out really close with both teams tied. After that our D kicked in and we shut Innsbruck Winners down for the other thee quarters. Each Quarter we were able to gain at least 12 points onto our lead...sweet!

My concentration has been on helping the team win. Unfortunately, that has taken me out of the points and assist leaders in our league. The money would be great but currently our team is not doing very well in my opinion. I do not know the finances and frankly, if I knew money I would be a manager of a club, but I wonder if we can move some players to get some more tallent on out team. We have some great players but the consistancy is not there for many of our players. Of course everyone will want playing time and ultimately that could disrupt the team even more so guess I better be careful what I wish for. In the meantime, I am improving and the efforts of my hard work are consistantly showing up on the scoreboard!

Why don't you come over to http://www.cyberdunk.com/ and check out the different leagues out there. So many stories going on. Join us and start your own story! It's free and fun!

11 July 2007

Ohgie Mcgee trying to learn how to live with fame

Whew! A second to sit down in relative quiet. This last week has been nuts! Sure the game schedules and practice schedules always kept me busy, but now it seems I am becoming famous here in Lithuania. As of today, I lead the league in points and assists and that's really cool, but loosing 3 games in the last week is not cool. I know you can't win them all but dam it I want to win every one of them! Oh, yea, I managed to win a bunch of Man of the Match awards this week as well. Funny how the first few are "Wow can you believe I won that" and then it becomes sort of an afterthought for me. I am more interested in how our team performed and whether we are improving at all. Now if the league offered a $ award for top MOM award getters ...well now I might be more inclined to worry about whether I was MOM or not.

I was looking over my contract yesterday. The innitial amount I was offered to join Ukmerges Santechnikai was a very nice raise from what I was earning. I guess I did not look at the fine print and notice that the contract goes into the 4th year. That may not be a bad thing, but if I lead the league for two years in a row I may out perform my contract. Hopefully my coach will see that if it should happen. In the meantime I feel I am keeping up with my current contract nicelyand if I can land one of the season #1 stat awards I will be getting the bonus my good play deserves.

Speaking of deserving things. The league officials laid down some new rules on training this last week and many players and teams are all abuzz. The officials have heard the complaints of inappropriate training practices and they jumped in to make some major changes to help address those problems. Of course they are taking some heat right now from those that were benifiting most, but hey, that is what they get paid the big bucks for...right? So I guess this is the last time I will be doing extended training with a coach like I had done in the past. Training will be taking a bit longer now but I have been talking to a few trainers and feel like we have a way to beat the system. Of course by "beat" I do not wish to imply any wrong doing, rather I feel we have a plan in place to help me effeciently improve my skills quickly with the new system. We will have to experiment with that a bit and get back to you on how it goes.

Why don't you experiment with a player or team by checking out www.cyberdunk.com? It is a great community of players from around the world helping to make this one of the fastest growing sports sims out there!

04 July 2007

Ohgie Mcgee racks up his second Man of Match, and double double of the 2nd season! Oh yea, and his team is undefeated too ...SWEET!

OOO I'm feeling it! I was in a zone tonight and things were just clicking for me. I was a pure 50% from the field and from the charity stripe and was able to chip in a steal and some nice assists. Scoring was nice too, but the important thing is that our team won a very close game. Everyone needed to contribute to get the win and fortunately we had some other players show up tonight. Shooting wise, we had a very difficult day as our team shooting percentage was horrible 40/109 only 37% ish. That is not going to cut it vs the big boys out there. Hope coach is talking to the trainers and trying to address that with all of our players. Machito Merkader and Zedas Zedusan have been doing very well on the boards which is great to see.

Our team has started off with 3-0 record which is great news. The bad news is that there are still 5 other teams that are undefeated in our league. I am hoping that we can work the bugs out of our recent performance. If you ever have a bug in Cyberdunk, you are going to want to head on over to www.talkdep.com to hit up the forums and hear all the craziness from around the world.

03 July 2007

Ohgie Mcgee lands his first double double in second win of the season for Ukmerges Santechnikai!

Now that's my kind of game! Not only was I scoring like I know I can, I was able to dish the rock to spread the love with others. Dam, that is a rush. I managed to score a team high 25 points off 12/23 shooting and I chipped in 10 assists as well. Good game especially when you factor in that we won vs Jonavos Gelzbetonis fairly easily. I guess we sort of gave up a bit in the 4th quarter but at that time we were ahead by 20 points so I guess we could afford to slack off a bit.

We are now 2-0 and feeling great. Personally, I am feeling so much more confident as I start up my second season. I have to work on my conditioning though as these 48 min games are starting to wear me out on back to back game days. I will work on that with my trainers I think.

Rumor in the league is that coaches will soon be handing out some sort of surveys for players to fill out. These surveys are suposed to let the organization know about our personal playing styles and things we really like to do well on the court. Not really sure how much any coach would listen to players on that one. Suppose the entire team wanted to be on the highlight reels on the evening news? Each player needs a role or two on the court to be an effective team. For instance, I know I should not be leading my team in Rebounds as the PG of our team (I know, for those of you following my stats, there has been way too many times I have lead the team in rebounds). My job is to set up players, score some points, and play awesome D to shut down the other teams offensive floor general. Simple. I will not be dunking the ball over some guys head, I will not hit that half court shot at the buzzer, I will not do the behind the back through the legs of 4 defenders off the backboard ally-oop pass either...although that would be soo cool : )

The season is starting off strong for us I just hope we can stay motivated. When I need help with motiviation I head over to www.focusdep.com and read some of the inspiring work there. Maybe you should check that out and see how it inspires you.

02 July 2007

What a crazy way to start season 2!

Our team had to play last year's division winner for our first game of the year. Incredibly we won, but this is where things get really strange. As the game ended the other coaches started saying that the score keeper had made errors as to who got the points and how many minutes players were playing. One of their players played only 6 min but took over 35 shots. That is a shot every 10 seconds. Since that player was a PG I know there was no way in heck I gave up that many shots in that amount of time. On our roster Diablo Xxx, Burkuliokas Asas, and Mr. Gugis must have been horribly tired as they played more minutes than the actual game took! The whole thing is crazy. When the official transcript of the game play by play was requested, mysteriously, no one could find it.
Was it drugs? Was it really poor record keeping? Was the home team involved in some pay off? Investigations are comming up for sure.

I did play very well by the way and would have earned man of the match but Martinas Gecevicius had a heck of a game too. Still starting out the season with a win was a great way to go.

Why don't you come check out the crazy things happening at www.cyberdunk.com?

25 June 2007

I'm cranking but we're loosing

I have had to take a break from recording each match. The press is starting to hound me for stories, tid-bits and of course some dirt. It seems I can not go anywhere now without seeing at least one flash bulb going off. You see the last few games, I have had great games. I have even racked up some Man of the Match awards which is very nice for my trophy case!

The problem is, we are not winning as consistantly as we were. Maybe our earlier opponents were easier, maybe the change over in players that seems to be going on quite a bit is a distraction to others in different positions, and maybe it is just we are not playing well. I am not sure. But it seems like we either blow out the other team or we are getting blown out. Take a look at our total shooting % from last game (including 2pt, 3pt, ft)

Arturas Ragauskas 50%
Zedas Zedusan 25%
Diablo Xxx 27%
Ohgie Mcgee 57.9%
Anzelmas Filimanavicius 31.8%
Machito Merkader 50%
Mr. Gugis 30.8%

We only have 7 players. Of those 7 less than half shot a decent %. Only 3 players played the entire game and of those three players only one player shot > 50% (total for those 3 players was 23/59 or 40%). Our center and PFs racked up 15 rebounds while our PG and SG players pulled in almost as many 14. This all equates to a very inconsistant game and points out some difficulties that exist. After having 3 Man of the Match awards in the last week, I think I need to take more initiative on the court trying to get my buds to work together more. Not sure exactly how I will be able to do that but I do know that I will be finishing up my studies with Al Borland today and I know he will have some parting advice for me.

Our team has a core of players that could do something special if we ever get our act consistantly together. How about your act? Can you get it going? Why not stop into www.cyberdunk.com and see if you have what it takes to pull the right strings and get your game on?

21 June 2007

Oh what a game!

Day 59 Season 1: This is my career day to date! I received man of the match for the following performance
28pts ....69% 2pt, 42.8% 3pt
3 steals
2 blocks
12 assists
4 dreb

Our team started off strong then coasted until the end of the 3rd quarter. We let the other team back into the game, but we have enough quality players on the team to realize that we needed to turn it on in the 4th. Mr Gugis was instramental in picking us up and carrying us in that last quarter. New commer Grecu Emil did a good job filling in that 4th quarter as well.

A great game, a nice win, all I needed to make the perfect night was a woman by my side. Two out of three ain't bad though!

Can you score the perfect night? Why don't you head over to www.cyberdunk.com to see if you have what it takes?

16 June 2007

Oh the day off was sooooo nice

I took yesterday off the court, off of basketball, off of anything that resembled work, and it was NICE! I guess it really showed as well because I had a very nice game comming back to work. We pounded the other team by 30 points and looking up and down our roster, I would say that over half our squad had a very nice game indeed. Too bad we can't play that way every game!

Speaking of play that way, I had this guy come up to me after the game. He was offering to be a sort of personal assistant of some sort. He went on and on about how he really knew hoops and could help me tons on my game if I would only listen to him. I asked him what was in it for him, and he proudly stated that he is a teacher and coaches younger kids and would be honored to help a professional such as my self. So here is this guy offering me help for no pay and really no rewards other than the personal satisfaction? Sure, I'm listening. So we go have something to drink and we talk. This guy is so full of stories! I can't believe he has a story for almost every topic that comes up. At some point he turns all serious and turns to my game tonight. "Did you know that for such a short quick guy you drive into the box way too much? You got heart kid, I'll give you that. But your foolish as well driving into trees when you have such a nice jumper." I challenged him that I take whatever is open and don't drive as much as he claimes. He pulled out the game tape and started counting outloud all the shots I took. Wow! I took almost 2 inside shots for every 1 midrange shot. That is incredible! I never knew it. I guess this guy's cred with me just went way up. I thanked him for his advice and headed home. I look forward to seeing how I can change my ways now that I am aware of it. Come to think of it, maybe having someone in the stands looking at me is going to really help my game!

How about your game? Have you checked out www.cyberdunk.com yet to even get a game? You should.

14 June 2007

Ohgie Mcgee has subpar game, but the team had a great game

I played against this guy, Raido Halik from Palangos Kariai, tonight that just blew me away. I couldn't stop him and he seemed to be in my grill all night long. He got me off my game in a big way and I was frustrated all game long.

By half time our team was down by 20 points!
In the first quarter, missed both my shots but I did get a steal. As a team we only shot 6/22 (27%)
In the second quarter, I actually made one shot but at 20% shooting for me I was not happy. The team only shot 4/20 (20%). With all this dismal shooting we were in trouble big time! Raido blocked me once in this quarter .. grrrrr.
Third quarter saw us get our game together and start things cranking. Even though Radio blocked me again, I was starting to figure him out. As a team we impoved to 11/24 and only had one foul in the quarter (I had to hack him .. he was wide open).
By the fourth, Mr. Gugis was really cranking! He was a monster in that quarter and the team rallied around him. Grecu Emil came in and did a great job vs Raido and managed to keep him at bay and do very nicely for himself!

In all our team won and that is what mattered. I can't wait till my training is done so I can address some of the weaknesses I see in my games of late! It is very troubling.

When I have troubles in Cyberdunk, I turn to www.talkdep.com to share my problems with others to see how they handle it. Check it out!

13 June 2007

Ukmerges Santechnikai blown out in first loss for Ohgie Mcgee on his new team

Loosing sucks! It does not matter the language, the country, or even the game ... it stinks. Of course after the frustration wears off I see each loss as a way to improve myself. After this game I have tons to work on. I really wish I could push Jack Steele up on our training as I know there are skills I need on my new team asap! Sigh, I guess one thing I need more of is patience. Still, our team is in 5th place which is one place higher than when I joined the team.
Speaking of joining the team, it appears we have some new faces on the team. We now have 3 PG on the roster. Looking over the last three games, I would welcome one quarter of rest a game until I can develop my stamina some more.
I did have the chance to do some shopping in Europe. It was a very nice experience and I was able to pick up a small bauble that will help me out on the court I think. Amazing how a little bling helps build up confidence and other aspects of your game!
One more game before I get a day off. I have learned that moving from one team to another team, especially a team in another part of the world, can be quite daunting. I think I am over the jet lag, now it is time for me to give one big push to get through the next game.

When I get tired, I find motivationial readings like those at www.focusdep.com really help. Why don't you give it a try?

12 June 2007

Ukmerges Santechnikai comes from behind in final minute to steal the game vs Panevezio Kefyras!

What a great game! Every quarter was close and in the end our teamwork pulled us through. It is such a pleasure to be on a team with such great players.

My game was o.k. My second quarter stunk again and my third was not super impressive either. I find myself driving to the hoop so much when I know my shot is in the midrange area. It's just so easy to blow buy some of my defenders I figure I could take it to the hole. I have to talk to my trainers about that. Either I need to improve my inside shot or I have to be trained to hit that open mid-ranger the way I know I can all night long. Speaking of shooting, what is wrong with my free throws lately? Wow I need to hit that charity stripe some in practice.

Let's get back to that great ending. Our team is down by 1 point when William Tailor nailed a very nice shot from inside the paint. As I was bringing the ball down the court, I saw Anzelmas Filimanavicius (AM) cutting to the hoop behind a nice screen. I bounced the ball around a defender and hit AM on his way to a very easy layup to take the lead by one. Panevezio Kefyras now had 1:02 left to score. In desparation As Jus Apgavu throws up a brick but his teammate Bubuga Shoer is there to dish it back to him for yet another miss. Mr Gugis slips in for the rebound and kicks it out to me as I lob in an easy pass to ZZ (Zedas Zedusan) for the layup! Nice way to finish guys.

Why don't you check out how you finish the game at www.cyberdunk.com?

11 June 2007

First game in Lithuanian League is a thriller for Ohgie Mcgee

Wow! When I joined my new team, Ukmerges Santechnikai, there were already 3 PG on the roster making me the 4th in a very crowded backfield. After our first afternoon team meeting, there was only one PG on the roster... me. Whew, I guess this GM does not mess around! Remind me not to get this guy ticked at me ok?

I was very nervous my first game and it showed. I missed way too many shots and even missed 3 free throws. Unexcusable, but dam I was nervous. I think I wanted to do too much. I started out the first quarter with some great defense drawing three fouls from the other team. I am not sure if I got tired or was still suffering from the jet lag of traveling to Europe, but by the 3rd quarter I was exhausted and really had a poor quarter. I did find my second wind in the 4th and had a respectable outing in that quarter.

I am starting to learn a little about my teammates. Wil Barnard and Zedas Zedusan (ZZ for short) had awesome games! Arvydas Sabonis was great in the rebound department. We were down by 14 at the begining of the 4th (mostly do to letting the 3rd slip away from us). Our team had great resiliancy and fought bck to squeek out a win in the end. John Cameo came up with the last shot for us and our defense was able to cary us the rest of the way to maintain the victory.

Getting the nice paycheck at the end of the match added to the very nice introduction to my new team. I thank the manager for having faith in me and for my new brothers for letting me work through my nervousness!

When I really get nervous I head over to www.focusdep.com for some motivational reading. It really helps to hear from others how they delt with adversity. Check it out!

10 June 2007

Finally I get an offer to join a team!

In my last game as a San Jose Bats player I experienced many highs and lows. First off, losing sucks and getting schooled by the turtles was not fun at all. On an individual basis, I did very well vs a very good backcourt. I knew I did my part, but even the cheerleaders could see that our lack of a PF really was killing. Detroit's Egils Treicmanis just walked over our whole team. He only shot a pittiful 9/25 from the floor, but the sucker raked in 36 rebounds which was only 3 less than our whole team managed. Guess when you can single-handly bring in over 4 times the OReb of the other team you don't really have to be a good shooter.

I was stomping towards the showers when my agent stops me. Next to him is someone that looks like a foreigner. The stranger was introduced as Mr. h3llsing. He grinned from ear to ear congratulating me on a very nice game. I mumbled something along the lines of "Yea, but we lost so it sucks!" He asked me how I would like to win some more games? I was interested. He pulled out a check book, scribbled for a little then handed me a check with more zeros on it than I had ever seen on a paycheck. After studdering a bit I managed to babble out "Wha .. Whaaat. is ths ...ffor?" "We would like to employ your services in the Lithuanian League." was the response. I was embarassed because being an ignorant american that really was not paying attention to geography as I was going through college, I had no clue where the Lithuanian League was. My agent picked up on my cluelessness and filled me in with the relevant information. "You would be playing in Europe for Ukmerges Santechnikai. They are currently placed 6th in the league adn could use your services." I asked about the number of players at each position and I was shocked to hear that the team already had 3 PG on the roster. When I questioned about that, both men just looked at each other then back at me and my agent responded, "Let's just call the other PG as insurance that you will have some competition. I know you're going to rock those others and really show the team that you are worth their investment in you. When you have proven your worth, I am sure they will move a couple of players, but in the meantime they need insurance that you will be able to adapt to the customs and people you will now be living with." I was still concerned with how much playing time might be available on this new team but two things quickly came to mind. One was the paycheck that seemed to be glowing in my shaky hands. I just had to glance back on the court and see the gameboard with the stats scrolling across the screen to get my other motivaiton. After a moment to reflect how horrible the Bats have been playing of late, I turned to Mr. h3llsing, smiled and stated, "I would be very honored to help your team win more games!"

Why don't you come on over to www.cyberdunk.com and see what changes and challenges your player will experience?

09 June 2007

How can you field a team with no PF and expect to win?

I can't believe it! We just had this huge changeover of players on our team and we still don't have any PF on our team! The Memphis Indians just scalped us by 48 points. Hell, we didn't even score 48 points in one half. We played against the best Chinese PF and it showed that we were totally unprepared. Kaitian Meng was a giant among men and it showed. Lets look at the carnage this big boy brought down on our team tonight:
32 points - Which is one point more than our whole team scored in first half of play
13/24 from field including 2/3 3pt compared to our team shooting of 26 -57 and 6/9
23 oreb - How does this happen? Was the guy just playing volleyball off the backboard to himself before he slammed the thing through the rim? Teams have been getting more Oreb vs us then we have been getting Dreb. Something is not right here!
17 Dreb which is 2 more than our entire team

Net result? Kaitian Meng could have beat our entire team by himself! Never mind that 6 other players from Memphis scored in double digits! Oh this is so embarassing.

I know this was not one of my best games I have played and I am not proud of the results I had in this game. I have to call out the coaching staff here! The personel decisions have been ...well stupid comes to mind but I think that is being too kind! In the second half of play, our two starting PG totaled less than 7 minutes combined. Without insulting Lukas Tamosiunas, the man only managed 1 foul as any stat in the entire 4th quarter!!!!!!! He shot 0/2 and that's ok because at least he shot a couple times to try to score, but every other stat was a goose egg? What the hell? Ariel Carrera had the best game of the PG and deserved more time in the 4th for sure and I can't believe our coaching staff is so blind to not see that.

It seems like the coaching staff and now some of the players are giving up on this team. Three days ago we had something going. Well it's going alright... right out the window. Maybe I am just being bitter about the loss. Maybe I am looking ahead to the whomping the Detroit Turtles are about to give us tonight. I will be facing the second ranked PG in the USA and his back up is not slouch. With Egils Treicmanis at PF and Connor Richardson at SG we are gonna have on heck of a game if you like charity basketball type games. Look for the bounce off the opponet's head, dribble backwards for a reverse dunk play... often!

I need a drink!

Now would be a great time to join www.cyberdunk.com
Just make sure you create a PF so my stupid administrators have more of a chance of blindly picking a player we might actually need on our team.

07 June 2007

Ohgie Mcgee gives up .11meters but little else in loss to Dolphins

Whew! I don't know where to start. I have to start with the team composition. I am not sure what happened on my day off, but I came back to a whole bunch of new faces. Surprisingly, we still don't have a PF on the team but now we have different people at every position. Where did everyone else go? Wytcka Partiots had a great game and Zoran Pavlovic was good for us as well. The rest of us really did not do well.

I know I had to work my butt off. Here I was at 1.78 m staring up at Walter Qian's 1.89m. That guy is huge! The only way I was able to even get any shots off was because my skills are better. It is true what they say though, you can't teach height and as a PG he had lots of height over me. This was the first game of my career where I feel my short stature came into play negatively. I learned a valuable lesson and plan on fixing that problem in the upcomming weeks!

I have no clue what is going on with the personal on our team. For a long time we had no SG. Now we have 2 SG adn that's cool but we have a whopping 4 SF! What's up with that? No PF and 4 SF means our team is short and will come up short in any games with some big guys in there. This manager of ours must be hitting up some of the best drugs out there. I just hope he is not highering players while his judgement is not impaired. On second thought, if he is making these moves while sober, we may be in for bigger troubles ahead!

Guess I need to stop in at www.focusdep.com to get some motivational reading to help me through all these changes. You should too :)

05 June 2007

Ohgie Mcgee has great game in loss vs LA Glam

You ever have one of those days you just wish you could get the ball on every posession because that rim just looked so big you could fill it all day? Tonight was one of those nights! Shooting 10/14 including 4/4 from 3 land was awesome. Chipping in 6 assists was a nice amount as well. With all the good play I am still disappointed in my production in the second quarter. For that matter our entire team sucked big time in the second quarter. We took only 10 shots and made 4 of them. We were simply out classed big time. Oren Fridman had a decent game for us offensively, but really... we get two whole rebounds from our centers for the whole game? Boiko Borisov and Hristo Stoinov Popski combined for 41 OFFENSIVE rebounds. What the heck was going on there? All together the rebounds were so completely skewed one would have to think our shoes were tampered with. 59 Oreb to our 2 and 31 Dreb to our 18 and I tied for the team high on Dreb! Something ain't right here. Not sure if it was our players not playing, their players just playing incredible ball, or maybe someone drugged our team somehow. I certainly hope our day off helps our players get their crap together.

Speaking of day off, I have decided to try another 1-on-1 tourney. I just finished up a nice training session and I look forward to trying out some new tricks against some of those hot shot players out there. Hopefully I will be richer tomorrow night. I could definately use the money!

Why don't you come join the fun and see how you stack up against me and other players at www.cyberdunk.com?

Ohgie Mcgee questions the coaching in loss

I am all hip with the idea that everyone on the team needs some time on the court. I know we are as strong as our weakest link. But, in our last losss to the Anaheim Capitals, there were some coaching moves that have my eyebrows breakdancing across my head.

By the end of the game Liu and I had great games in the backcourt and Marius and Wytcka were both o.k. but Liu Haisheng and I were in a zone tonight. Both of us played a total of 0(zero) min in the first quarter! In the second quarter I got a whooping 6 min and Liu got 8 min. In the first half with us on the bench the team scored 39 and allowed 46 on the other side. When we were allowed to play in the second half we scored 54 to their 55! Granted we still gave up one more point than the opposition still, but I thought coaching was about building up all of your players and getting the best crew on the floor to win. Checking the simple math, I needed to be on the court with my bro Liu more in the first half.

Each game there are players that are having it all go their way. The coach has to be able to use that first quarter to find out who is doing what that night and then use the second quarter to verify that. By the third quarter, it's game on and time to kick some buttocks. Evidently our coach believes in the dart board approach. He sits there blindfolded chucking darts at the wall untill he hears five of the darts hit the board. Those will be the starters evidently.

I am sorry to sound so bitter, but as a player, I want to win. We could have been in this game if the coach had not been sleeping for the second quarter so much. Yes the tallent on the floor in the second let us down as well but players already know their game and how they did. If they are good players they will be busting it to get their game up for our next match. The coach seems totally disinterested during some of our games like this one. Maybe if the gm and coach were in the building acting like real humans instead of trying to run the team remotely over the computer we might have more success.

We have tallent. We do need some tweaking, but the San Jose Bats could be a good team in this division if we had a good gm. With a pf on board and some better clock management, I am sure we could be in the top half of the division consistantly instead of the bottom.

Maybe our coaching staff needs to go to www.focusdep.com to get some inspirational reading in. That site is full of stories that help motivate players, coaches and people of all ages.

We still don't have a pf and I don't understand what is preventing us from going out and acquireing one of the many good pf that are out there.

02 June 2007

Ohgie Mcgee cries foul in Man of Match decision

First off, I want to say for the record that I am happy we won the game especially because the game was so close. In fact this has to be the closest game we have played in some time and winning one is always a good feeling.

But come on man! What does a little guy have to do to get Man of the Match? Huet Laurent had a good game and I don't mean any of the following to reflect negatively on the fine job he did tonight! Lets look at the stats side by side.

PTS: 13 me vs 8 Huet
%: 50% me vs 33% Huet
Stl: 5 me vs 0 Huet
Ast: 4 me vs 1 Huet
Reb: 7 me vs 23 Huet

I can understand if Huet was able to save our butts at a critical point in the game, but most of his work came in the 3rd quarter, in which we managed to squeek out 2 points more than the other team. I did my best work in the forth quater and again we squeeked out 2 points more than the other team. I surpassed the MOM in 4/5 categories with the other categories being ties for both of us. Come on Refs or whoever is making that decision! Do I need to wear a skirt? How about playing with one hand cut off? What does it take to give a little guy some love? I was robbed man! Plain and simple.

Lots of changes being discussed and many things to be excited about. Why not join us at www.talkdep.com? Great discussions about Cyberdunk and more!

31 May 2007

Ohgie Mcgee stellar in loss to Buffalo Raptors

Dam I hate loosing, but if we have to loose I feel better if I played a good game. Against one of the deepest backcourts we have faced this year, I have to say collecting 20 pts, 2 steals, 7ast, 4 reb is a great night and I wish I could perform that well or better every night. Shooting over 50% was great as well.

I just realized something today. Matei Matei is a beast at PF and his strong play in that position helped to highlight a glaring need on the San Jose Bats. We don't have a single PF. Our flood of SF have been filling in that position but really against a good PF, we need some big strong bodies inside to keep those trees out of the box. I wish our coach was more accessable as I would like to share some thoughts with him. Unfortunately, our coach is trying some new telecommunication coaching methods and all we ever get to see of him is through a computer. Maybe that is part of our problem? Perhaps te Bats could be better if a real live human was in charge? Hmmmmm

Ooooo a great game comming up tonight! Portland Supreme is ranked 16 while we are currently 18th. If we can win then we might move up enough to catch up from the Buffalo loss. Portland has a great manager and it looks like he has been helping his team to develop evenly and consistantly. Again I am concerned that we are going to get killed at the PF position as Portland has a very nice stable of studs. Not that I ever take an apponent lightly, but I feel that Jason and Jason at PG are in for a long night vs me. If I play like I did against Denver, I am hoping for a career night vs Portland. More importantly, I want the win!

Come on in and join the maddness at www.cyberdunk.com!
Interested in learning more about the game and other cool discussions, then go to www.talkdep.com!

30 May 2007

Ohgie Mcgee thinking streek or not?

That's four in a row baby! The San Jose Bats have moved from the bottom of the division all the way to ... well the lower middle of the bracket. Our latest win was much closer than the previous games. I sat out almost the entire first half, but had a good game in the second. I found it disturbing that after starting out very strong this game our team just declined in the 3rd and really didn't do much in the 4th. We basically survived and got the W and that is cool but I want to play the complete game. That's just who I am.

I would love to say we have a streek comming but reality hit home tomorrow night as we face the number 3 seated Buffalo Raptors. Realistically, our team has to have the game of it's life to win this game (or severe injuries to Endio Melecio and Matei Matei ). Believe me you will hear about it if we do pull something out tonight. I am just hoping I can paly a great game vs a very deep PG team. They have guys that are all tallented so they can keep those fresh legs running at me. A nice test and I am pumped and ready for it!

Come check in at www.focusdep.com to see all the cyberdunk action and other cool stuff!

27 May 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on 3 wins in a row

It's incredible in that locker room right now. We've got a groove on and looking good! Tonight's game was all about Daniel Mareno. That big guy just wasted the other team. Besides almost scoring half as many points as the other team (with almost 50% shooting too), DM also dished out an astounding 8 assists. Big guys can't pass you say? On this night that big man made my point guard butt look pretty pethetic in the dish category. Oh yea he also raked in 32 rebounds, as if that is small change. All of this in only 30 minutes! We are all happy for Dan and hope he has as much success in our next match!

Personally, I would like to have performed better. The coach must have liked the way I came on strong at the end of the last game as he gave me almost all the time on the floor. I honestly have to say I was not physically ready to put in all those minutes. My percentage started out great at 60%, but then two subpar quarters of 33% later I stunk up the floor at the end with a zero %. Yes I laid a goose egg and I appoligize to the team for not being there at the end. Of course with Dan having an incredible game, I may have been slacking a bit. Ariel came in to relieve me in the 4th and played very well shooting a perfect 2/2 and 1 asst in only 4 min. I almost wish he had come in during the 2nd or 3rd quarter to give me a bit of a break. I play all out, but not even the great players are cranking out 48 min of their hardest work. I am sure coach will find a formula that works well. Most importantly we won...in convincing fashion.

I was suprised tonight when my agent approached me with a new contract offer from a club. That was so exciting that my name is actually out there with other clubs and they are watching me and finding something they like. I was crestfallen though when I heard the offer. I am currently on a team with only 2 pg and I have a mostly starting role. This team has 3 pg in the stable already and I get a contract offer that differs from my current one in only two ways. My price tag drops 1k and I get a signing bonus less than what my team gives me now for a win. It took me all of 3 seconds to reject that offer and I felt a bit upset. On one hand I was very happy the team showed some interest in me, but on the other hand, a pathetic offer shows very little respect for what I may be able to offer them and what ey think my role on their club may be. Still it is exciting with the Bats winning now 3 in a row and at least one contract offer comming in so early in my career.

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25 May 2007

Ohgie Mcgee loves a win

The team has now won two in a row and the locker room is starting to feel the love. We just showed the true grit we have on this team after being behind 47 to 34 at the half, we crushed the Jacksonville Vikings in the second half to take a commanding 90 to 75 victory. Both our big guys at center had super games and they really were able to help the team secure our second W in a row!
Coach decided to let Ariel Carrera get the minutes tonight and that's cool. I understand that we have a young team with a coach still deciding what he like and whatnot. But when the coach saw the halftime score, he knew what to do and I was able to hit the floor and get some things rolling in the 3rd and 4th. I have to admire that in a coach. Lets build up all our talent on the team, but make sure we get the win. Thats the important thing.
Speaking of importance, I was approached by some reporter tonight and he was going on about why I don't excell in any one area as a PG. I asked him what the heck he was talking about and he talked about how much I was loosing out by not specializing. I guess there are awards given to each player that has the max scores in each ability. Me? I'm all over the place doing whatever it takes that night. Some nights I light up the scoreboard, others I dish out the rock to my big boys, and other nights I just get into stealing the ball from those big lumbering trees out there. Basicly if the team needs it ... I'm there. Teamwork brings sucess and eventually the money will flow my way. Right now a win is great as that little bonus sure does help my rookie salary. Heck I'm happy I can make the rent but as our team has more success and I start improving more, I'm hoping my hard work and selflessness helps me get to the contract I deserve some day. Coach has not indicated I need to work on any specific skill so I have been working it all, my shot, my big D, my physical and mental. That way I am best able to help the team with whatever it needs. The reporter then accused me of being too idealistic to be a pro. I got right up in the guy's grill and said, "I do no reporting bub so I assume you doing your best. You NEVER been on this floor, so becareful how you judge what you know not of!" I give the guy a shove and left for the shower. Media that feeds the greed of the world suck.
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