18 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee starting to work his way into his new team's system

Well the coach is trying to be fair it seems. He gave the other PG and I equal time this game and that is to be commended. Of course, depending on how he views that time, I am hoping to get more next gam: ) That's what keeps us great players going ... the drive for more. I played all of the 2nd quarter and 4th quarter. Not very suprisingly, we scored more in both of those quarters and the other team scored less in those two quarters than in quarter 1, 3. By the fourth quarter our D was so tight that they only scored 4 whooping points! Meanwhile that hoop seemed ten times as large tonight as I did not miss a single shot (6/6). I felt like it was a practice out there.

Now for the required PG comparisons:
Me 12min, 12pts (6/6), 1STL, 6AST, 5 REB
Other PG, 12 min, 10pts(4/6 with 2/2 FT), 1STL, 1BLK, 4AST,3REB

Granted he played a much better game than last game was, but still ...if you give me two more quarters we are talking a tripple double in pts, ast, reb.

Of course winning the game is the most important concern, but in this game the score was so lopsided I don't even thing the score keeper was paying much attention. We actually came close to trippling the score. Ahhh, If I had been able to play 4 quarters ... oh the high light reel would be cranking. It's all good vs a weaker team but we have to see how well we can play against the guys that are currently #1,2 in our division. If we beat up on them like this ... oh baby it's gonna be fun playing in Poland.

Why don't you start up a character and see where you play and how you fit into a team? Just go to www.cyberdunk.com. It's free and does not take much time at all!

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