15 October 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reporst from the Hristo's Trophy Round

Day 35 Season 3

Man that was a close game! Boston Blaze lost the game by only 2 points, but if you look at the game closely this should have been a win for the Blaze.

To start with the Blaze were a higher rated team coming into the match. Some scouts would only point to the PF position as a point of concern for the Blaze coaching staff. Unfortunately, it seems that the staff might not have received the memo. Fujinj Lee had a great game and a few others had ok games. So what happened to the Blaze?

From being on the floor, I would say that the teamwork was just not there tonight. Our C and PF positions both shot for <40% and that is deplorable for our team that usually has shooters up in the 60% range. The low shooting would be bad enough, but those two positions took almost 1/3 the shots. Ironically, only our PF and C had decent FT. Our FT average was an embarrassing 50 something percent. Sigh, that is horrible and personally I am upset with my performance at the line. I missed 6 shots from FT land! Shooting only 33% from the FT field like I did is totally unacceptable. I will be talking severely to my shooting coaches in effort to get this fixed up as soon as possible. I talked to one coach that told me I needed to practice my 3pt shot more. I started a few days ago but I don't see how that will increase my FT %. Oh well that is what they get paid for, so I guess I better get back to practice.

How's your game going? You don't have game yet? What are you waiting for? Go to http://www.cyberdunk.com and get your game on!

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