24 August 2007

Ohgie Mcgee reports on a critical win and also points out a critical flaw in the lineup

One of the things I have never been very good with are names. My excitement about last night's game being such a pivotal game was unfounded. It turns out that our league has two Blue Jay teams, one of them in 4th place and the other in 8th place. We ended up with the 8th place team last night so our victory, although very thorough, was not as critical as I had hoped for.

We had awesome production from 4 positions on the floor but our production from C has me concerned when we start playing against the really good teams. Having someone on the floor at any position for 35+ min and turning out a stat line that looks like 5 minutes is not a good thing. I am hopeful that our C can get into some serious training very quickly, or that our coach has enough resources to start looking for some more talent at that position.

For my own part I have to be happy. Scoring 31 points on 81% shooting and still chipping in 10 assists and 7 rebounds is a very nice night. Jake and Riivo both had excellent nights, and Dante ended up with a nice night as well. Together the 4 of us scored 100 points on 75% shooting. Very nice indeed! Meanwhile, our C had a very tough night shooting 2/8, 1 blk, 2 ast, 1 reb in 37 min. That is horrible and I hope he can pick up his game soon.

I think I will head over to www.focusdep.com to collect some motivational quotes to share with our C. He definitely needs some form of motivation and I know that hearing from professionals that have "been there, done that" has helped me get to where I am toady.

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